In Season Elite
This program offers weekly on-ice skill development to ensure top personal performance throughout the season.
Drills will be fast paced and designed to force players to be adaptive in their thought process from both sides of the puck.
Proper, body, stick, and puck placement along with strong skating skills, crossovers, transitions and stride will be reinforced throughout the training.
Each player will be videoed during the training period and receive feedback from an instructor on their balance points, stride, knee bend, body positioning and more.
This program is intended for players invested in their ongoing personal skills, and growth and who have goals of making it to the next level.
This program offers an optional dryland training session following the on-ice session. The dryland session will be in season-appropriate training and will include strength, agility, plyometrics, cardiovascular training, as well as, mobility work.
Program Details
October 26th, 2023- December 14th, 2023
Ice 3:30-4:30 pm
Dryland 4:45-5:45 pm
Harold Latrace Arena
Ice and Dryland $525.00 plus gst ($551.25)
Ice Only $425.00 plus get ($446.25)